ODDWINGS Escape: Review

Among the conditionally paying games, there are often those that frighten their microtransactions system. Basically, everything rests against the so -called energy that limits the number of actions performed one after another. U ODDWINGS Escape This problem is present, and this is upset, since the game is actually very good.

Miracles on turns

Genetically modified birds (not as terrible as in Cooped Up) run away from the laboratory and fly along the island against the background of colorful decorations. Sometimes an evil professor tries to catch them, but the birds do not lose heart and only become more agile, improving their skills and leaving the enemies without any chance of returning their experimental.

Initially, only one location and one mode is available to the player. This is like in some Jetpack Joyride, An endless obstacle course with gold coins and large keys hanging in the air. The latter will need to unlock new heroes with useful, but not too important for passing skills. Someone has more energy, someone is able to teleport or has a shield that absorbs damage.

The bird flies independently, but its direction must be changed by hand. By running a finger on the screen, you can move it up or down to avoid a collision with an obstacle like a rock or exploding when touching a mine. The approach of a finger to the bird will lead to a decrease in the speed of its flight, which will come in handy when it is necessary to make a difficult maneuver. There is nothing more to do here, since temporary improvements, such as acceleration or shield, are activated immediately after their selection.

In infinite mode, there are goals that are always associated with the need to overcome this or that distance. Reached a certain mark – they unlocked a new test in this location. As always, for tests you can get from one to three stars that are issued for completing tasks. To collect all the hearts hanging in the air, not to crash into mines, to get to the finish line over such and such a time-with each new test, the tasks become more difficult, but nothing is impossible.

The reason why the bird cannot immediately reach the longest point in endless mode is its weakness. The strip from above shows the remaining energy, which is replenished with red hearts. It is worth picking up one of them, as the scale will fill to the end and allow you to fly a few more seconds. Help to get to the point of energy restoration and accelerators scattered everywhere, but often they are not enough.

Sooner or later, the moment will come when neither speed, nor starting energy, nor stinginess is enough for the bird. These characteristics improve before the flight by means of gold coins collected in the same endless mode or testing. There is a fourth skill, a “magnet” that allows you to attract objects during the flight, but it is worth it to “pump” it last. The first three are useful in any situation and in all modes.

“Pumping” is quite cheap – even for the final division in a strip of any characteristic, only a few hundred coins are required to pay. And collect almost the entire necessary amount in endless mode in a matter of minutes. However, we must not forget about the presence of several birds among the heroes, and each of them will have to be improved separately. So either constantly invest in the first and copy the keys for the latter, completely improving it already, or gradually move from one character to another. The second option is unlikely to lead to success, but you can try.

Dear tours

Earn coins for the purchase of improvements, pass tests and beat your own records very exciting. However, after some time ODDWINGS Escape will not allow it to play further, since the user will end with the so -called “wings”. It is something like tickets that allow you to launch any of the presented modes, and their maximum number-five pieces. One wing is removed for starting the test or something else, and another player will lose another if he tries to start some task three times again.

If you want to continue the game, you will have to pay real money, which is unlikely to do anyone for a few more minutes of pleasure. The ability to forever remove such a restriction, even for a large amount, is absent. And since each wing is restored for about half an hour, waiting often turns out to be longer than passage. If you are lucky, it will be possible to earn an increase in the level just at the moment when the wings are over – then they will recover completely. But this does not happen as often as we would like.

Wings are necessary even to launch a local multiplayer regime. It is asynchronous and does not require the expectation of other players – getting on one card with the “ghosts” of nine users, you need to try to overtake them and come to the finish line first. In addition to accelerators and hearts, there is nothing here, and their location does not change, and therefore it is enough to learn the card by heart and take a leading position over and over again. Bird improvements are taken into account, so you should not launch this regime unprepared – there is not enough speed and energy.

ODDWINGS Escape -A good, somewhat excellent game spoiled by a monetization model. As soon as you start enjoying, it instantly blocks access to everything, trying to draw out money from the user. And okay, if the invested funds paid off, but they will not help much – almost immediately you will have to give the same amount again and again. Therefore, the lack of the opportunity to pay once and getting rid of the framework ups up. While the bird is developing rapidly, the game will be interesting, but when the wings begin to end rapidly, the excitement and excitement.

Pros: a variety of modes;pleasant visual style;Convenient interface.
Cons: The local energy equivalent ends too quickly and is restored for too long.PlayOJO Casino