My first acquaintance with the characters Gobliins It happened in the early 1990s. The restless little men were crooked on the screen "Makintosh", spoke an incomprehensible language and willingly participated in solving problems. Over the years, the number of main characters decreased, and the pleasure of passing only grew – the third part, released in 1993, became an apotheosis of the series, and tightly imprinted "Goblin" in the pantheon of the classics of the adventure genre. Since then, we could only sigh sadly and hoping somewhere in our souls that we would see them again. After almost 16 years, the developers heeded the prayers and released GOBLIIIns 4.
Consider for three
Strictly speaking, the developer heeded the prayers (in the singular) – the fourth part "Goblin" Made Pierre Guillaume Almost alone. He had to create without the help of a fighting girlfriend Muriel trami, on a couple with which previous adventures were created. We all know very well that if you want to do something good, then do it yourself. Apparently, Pierre was also guided by such an installation – as a result, undoubtedly, it turned out well, nostalgia for the old -good "Goblins" She swept the creator and … did not allow her to jump above her own head.
Three main characters again – here, fans of the series should freeze in admiration and timidly ask: "Really, as before? As in the very first part?". Absolutely – at our disposal a private detective ch -chups, strongman Tugus and wizard Kheruvimus. Everyone can perform a certain type of action, therefore, sometimes, for a successful outcome of the case, each of the heroes should be used in a certain combination. Tugus tugs everyone in a row, Cheruvimus conjures (mainly forcing objects to move and rise into the air), and the main work lies on the shoulders of the Ch-Chups. After all, he is the only one who has an inventory, and to communicate with various characters only he can do.
We keep up with the times?
Alas, the author’s desire to return to the origins led to the fact that GOBLIIIns 4 feel uncomfortable in modern game reality. Three -dimensional graphics are perplexed by anyone who contemplates the angular textures of the characters, and the dumb question is read in their eyes: "This is the 2009 project?". Of course, no one insists on the system requirements of a la Crysis, but the locations and funny goblins would be more sympathetic.
In Russia "Goblins 4" went out as a joint publication Snowball Studios And "1c". Its main value is the presence of the three previous parts on the disk and the printed guide from Pierre Guillaume. Thus, in addition to the new game, fans will receive "classic" "Goblin" (in English), and beginners will be able to familiarize themselves with the entire legendary series.
Of course, many are ready to come to terms with graphic shortcomings in the event of an exciting gameplay – but here Pierre for some reason did not turn into the full. Levels pass one after another without any difficulties – most often because the methods of solving problems are not original and are repeated from time to time. If we see loosened soil, then how to give, it will be necessary to plant a grain there. Noticed somewhere a stable place? Feel free to hoist the folding staircase there. To increase the difficulty and make the player stall at any level is obtained only thanks to the notorious pixel hunt (if the location with a plush bear is damned and the seventh digit search. ). Irritation increases the illumancy of the sequence of characters. At the level with the Lyagovy Ch -Chups and Tugus, they manage to go to the next location, and the cheruvimus remains on the wall of the castle, not having the opportunity to go down: good friends will not return, so the only way out is to restart the ill -fated level. Many players are remembered "Good word" the developer and in the situation of feeding.E.P.IN.I – and all these troubles happen already in the first third of the adventure.
It is difficult to determine the target audience GOBLIIIns 4. Fans of the first parts will undoubtedly be happy to return the heroes, but will be upset by their appearance, a weak plot and not original tasks. Those who meet "Goblins" The first time, most likely, will consider the project by children’s adventure and will not understand the hype created around it. Nevertheless, the game is recommended for everyone without exception, because against the background of the output quests GOBLIIIns 4 – A pleasant event, albeit not such a return that we counted on. If Pierre has plans for a fifth part, then we strongly recommend that you reconsider the idea of the schedule, sit on the plot and carefully consider puzzles thoroughly. Maybe you should work again in tandem with Muriel trami?
Pros: the return of the favorite heroes;branded humor and diligence of characters.
Cons: The graphics are no good;weak plot and insufficiently diverse tasks.