David Gyori

David Gyori

David Gyori is a globally renowned FinTech consultant, trainer, author and keynote speaker. He is CEO of Banking Reports Ltd London, providing top quality ‘FinTech Training for Bankers’ all over the world.

David is frequent Keynote Speaker of premier international banking and FinTech events: he recently gave Keynote Address at the World FinTech Forum in Seoul, South Korea as well as in Brussels at the annual conference of the European Banking & Financial Services Training Association.

David holds a number of key international positions: He is Founding Member of the World FinTech Association as well as Member of the Panel of Judges of the European FinTech Awards. He is co-author of ‘The FINTECH Book’, published by Wiley and Sons in 2016, quickly becoming a global category best-seller.

David is Faculty Member of the Retail Banking Academy (London), one of the most prestigious banker-training facilities globally. He serves on the Advisory Board of multiple FinTech companies in the United Kingdom.

David spends significant time in London as well as in Budapest, but when you contact him, chances are he is on a trip to a third destination, delivering training, speeches or consulting services.

