Luc Schamhart

Luc Schamhart

In 2019 Luc Schamhart was appointed Technology and Business Transformation Lead for Financial Services @Google Cloud. He serves as a domain expert and thought leader for cloud technologies, exercising expert knowledge of translating client business models/needs into revenue opportunities through the use of tech solutions in the financial service industry.

Before Google 2014-2019 Luc worked as Regional Vice President for Salesforce, responsible for the App Cloud & Marketing Cloud in Northern Europe mainly focussed on Banking & Insurance.
Prior to Salesforce 2007-2014 Luc worked as Finance Industry Manager at Microsoft Corporation. He was responsible for bringing banking and financial services expertise and focus to the key accounts of Microsoft in Europe. He was previously Partner Industry Manager for the Financial Services Industry at Microsoft Netherlands based in Amsterdam.

Luc started his career working for more than 17 years for IBM Corporation, managing the FSI business for global accounts like ABNAMRO, ING and Rabobank in the Dutch market.
Luc Schamhart brings a deep level of industry experience with over 25 years working in the financial services sector, primarily as an IT advisor/consultant for the financial services sector throughout Europe .